Financial planning & management
One Free Exam rewrite included
Successfully operating a home building business is not a simple task. It can be easy to get lost in the everyday activities and put financial planning on the back burner, but it’s important to know that this aspect of your business is essential and vital to maintain the health of your business. Financial planning and management will help you make more money. It enables you to cut costs. It helps you set and achieve short-term and long-term goals. That’s just some of the things that financial planning and management will do for you.
Course objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Explain the difference between bookkeeping and accounting
Describe basic accounting terminology
Understand record keeping responsibilities
Explain overhead costs
Understand the users of financial information
Explain basic elements of an income statement and balance sheet
Describe financial planning
Describe a business plan
Explain the relationship between the business plan and financial planning
Describe financial projections
Explain the purpose of proforma financial statements
Describe financial statements
Explain the purpose of a cash flow statement
Explain and calculate breakeven analysis
Describe common pricing strategies
Describe factors to consider for pricing
Explain the difference between margins and markups
Apply margins and markups
Explain benchmarking
Identify types of construction financing
Describe credit arrangements
Describe collateral security requirements
Describe a PO system
Explain the controls for extras and changes
Explain the purpose of internal controls
Describe internal control procedures
The course uses the textbook Accounting and Financial Management for Residential Construction, 5th edition by Emma Shinn, published by the National Association of Home Builders. This textbook must be purchased separately. It is available as an eBook from Amazon (Kindle app) and as a print copy at Chapters/Indigo. If you are ordering the print copy, please allow sufficient time for shipping.

Anthony Notenboom
Anthony is a lecturer at the University of Toronto, where he teaches introductory accounting and management courses to undergraduate and graduate students. His teaching is centred on providing students with a strong foundation in accounting and financial management, equipping them with the skills necessary to succeed. Anthony oversees the accounts functions for departments within the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University. He received a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting, 2011) from McMaster University and a Master of Industrial Relations and Human Resources (HR Management, 2014) from the University of Toronto.
Note: This is part of the new HCRA Education Criteria as of February 1, 2021 for new applicants proposing to build residential freehold and low-rise condominium under Part 9 of the Ontario Building Code. For more information on what competencies you need to meet, please visit “HCRA's Getting Registered Page“.
This is a technical workshop intended for persons wishing to become a HCRA registered homebuilder. buildABILITY reserves the right to limit registration to individuals with the necessary demonstrated prerequisite knowledge and expertise.
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